Monday, October 15, 2007

You Can Keep Your Crazy Kool-aid.

Yesterday- following a Sunday morning full of awesome, JOYFUL worship, I grabbed some lunch and laid down for "a few minutes". FIVE HOURS later, I woke up. The sun ran it's course as I was sleeping, which doesn't fare well for a normal sleep schedule. As you can imagine, I was still awake into the wee hours of the morning. So...I flipped on the T.V. as I tried to lull myself back to sleepyland. And then I saw IT.

Even in my early morning, droopy-eyed, restless delirium, I am not STUPID enough to buy into this.

Are you ready for YOUR miracle?
I hope you have "$1000 worth of faith!"


Kevin said...

the fight aint ovah.

and was that erkle at like 1:30?

sarahsmile said...

That gave me the chills, the creepy kind. Freaking weirdos.