Monday, October 22, 2007

That's Entertainment!

This weekend crept up with amazingly few plans! Consequently, I was able to get out and enjoy some social events with friends- fellowship time that was long overdue. It was a good weekend. Of course, ANY weekend is a good weekend when it starts with getting a surprise flower delivery at the office...

On Friday night, my Stockton singing-buddy, Heather, stopped by to take some zzzzs on my couch- but not before we could enjoy a late night snack at Lucilles BBQ....mmmmmm!

Admittedly, pumpkin-carving is NOT my greatest strength. As a MAXIMIZER, I wanted to scrap the whole project and go play a song about a pumpkin...something at which I could actually be successful. However, in the spirit of WHATEVER- I called forth every ounce of carving artistry I had in my body and THIS was the final product. Not too shabby!

Eric, another maximizer, wasn't quite so successful. Or maybe he was...if he was trying to create a japanese vampire.

Most of us fashioned styrofoam jack-o-lanterns to donate to the children's ward at Ashley's hospital. Due to the nature of their illness, real pumpkins are not allowed.

Following the gourd-defacing ceremonies, I caught a sneak preview of the soon-to-be released film "Dan In Real Life" with my friend Suzanne. We weren't expecting much, being that we knew very little about the movie, but we found it to be quite the delightful little film! Steve Carrell has the perfect balance of likeability and comic genius. DEFINITELY catch this one when it comes out in theaters!

On Sunday evening, I visited Knott Avenue Community Church to see my friend, Shauntelle Sposto, in their production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". I saw this musical years ago in Washington D.C., but THIS production I'm sure would rival any professional endeavor. It was AMAZING, and Shauntelle did an incredible job in her lead role as Narrator. I'm so proud of my friends!

I wrapped up the weekend by spending some time with my little buddies, Kaelyn and Kaden...and, of course, their mommy and daddy.


Becky said...

Dan in Real Life = AMAZING! Gotta love the feel-good indie pic!

Eric said...

What do you mean I was not as successful???????