Monday, February 05, 2007

And She's Down for the Count...

First, my colleague in the neighboring office to my right caught strep throat. Then my colleague in the neighboring office to the left caught a nasty bug. I LAUGHED in the face of viruses....HA HA HA! This weekend I sang at Carlos and Michelle's wedding, and immediately following felt a little woozy. Still, made my way over to Cheri's birthday party for some fabulous pasta. Shortly after, it hit me.

So I spent Superbowl Sunday lying on the couch with a box of kleenex and a blanket. Thank goodness this is the one day a year where you CAN sit on the couch all day, and nobody calls you lazy....just "invested in the game." And I watched ALLLL of the game (minus the weak halftime show with Prince when I took an ice cream run). Despite feeling like hell, I actually enjoyed taking time to relax. Today...lots of decongestants as I'm back at work. Hopefully I'll clear out a little before I have to speak in several presentations tonight.


Anonymous said...

Um, did you say "h-e-l-l?!" I guess you meant "heck" or "really bad" or "purgatory."
tsk tsk
Wish I could send you a pot of homemade chicken soup. Feel better soon!

Jamie Stavenger said...

Yes, yes I did. If hell had a feeling, this would be it. Or, probably, much worse.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I feel for you. I woke up not feeling so well, but thought I was good enough to make it through the workday. Right around noon I went down for the count. Lots of vitamin C, water, and airborne. I'm hoping I can be back on my feet sometime tomorrow. I did laugh a little when you said "Allll of the game". That sounded like you would of much rather been doing something else with your time ;)