Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas at Disneyland

YESSSSS! FINALLY I got to see an ENTIRE fireworks show at Disneyland, and this one was worth it! Complements of Captain Jack Sparrow, Steph, Kaelyn and I spent the evening in the Magic Kingdom. To our surprise (and great delight) we didn't have to pay for parking, either! We grabbed some dinner in Tomorrowland and claimed a spot at the Main Street Circle, right in front of the castle. Kaelyn was pretty suspicious of the loud noises and plethora of bright lights, but seemed saddened by the end of the show. Immediately following the fireworks, it SNOWS on main street...and that, Kaelyn enjoyed immensely!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

i was told disney snow is really just soap bubbles? Is this true?