Friday, December 01, 2006

My Spiritual Hangover

I was honored to play alongside the current worship team at CrossWalk last Sunday. God is rad- I love the presence of the Holy Spirit that fills that place. Seven Sutton, my successor, is super organized, which makes "stepping in" easy and fun. Randall drove all the way in from San Francisco to join us, also! Always busy when I visit the old digs, I ran over to "big church" during the second CrossWalk service to watch the Baby Dedication of Rylan and Kinley Park, daughters of good friends Jen and Kyle. Babies always lend an aire of anticipation on stage, as you never know WHAT is going to happen. It's like working with animals, except not. : )

Following church, we had a great lunch at Garlic Brothers on the Delta with the whole gang. It was straight to the highway after lunch for a 8-hour drive home to Long Beach. Thanksgiving traffic....ugh. Make sure you don't need a bathroom break, and PACK A MEAL (for future reference).

Days like that leave me walking away thinking "wow...what just happened?" A whirlwind of activity, conversation, noise, energy, reverence- it's enough to make anyone pass out! Enter: the nap.

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