Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When God Heals...

When God heals someone, it often leaves medical professionals dumbfounded.

Our surgeon sat down with us and exhaled deeply.
"We didn't have to do surgery.  I thought for sure we would have to do surgery.
I had the entire room prepped to operate!"
Chris and I did a happy dance on the inside.
In the OR, she had checked his pressure in each eye....normal.
She checked each eye again....normal.
(Normal is 10-20.  Before his first surgery, he was near 70.  Friday, he measured 12/13!)

Not JUST normal, like barely normal...SUPER normal!

What an answer to prayer in this journey.
He is no longer considered a "Glaucoma" patient!
We will monitor his pressure levels locally in a couple of months, then again in the cities in 4 months.
Praying now that his pressures will stay consistently normal, and we can put this whole mess behind us!

Residual damage still lingers, however, in the form of photosensitivity.
He is still extremely sensitive to light, and has conditioned himself to clamp down on my shoulder- often shuddering- whenever we head outside or under bright lighting. 
This is due to the cracks on his corneas that occurred when his pressures were sky high.
The surgical team took some pictures to show us their current condition:

Those lines you see are all cracks.  Both eyes have similar damage.

Because these can feel like hair in your eyes, his discomfort is understandable!  We have begun a series of drops that will make the cornea smaller, theoretically causing less pressure on the cracks themselves.  Otherwise, we have to wait it out as new tissue grows over.

Hopefully, one day in the NEAR future, Carter will know what it is like to have eyes that don't hurt him.  We are confident that God will faithfully complete the good work He has started! 


Amelia said...
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Amelia said...

This is so wonderful! So glad to hear that Carter is on his way to recovery! Will be praying for a speedy improvement and easing of that pressure on his beautiful little eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

I find it difficult to believe "medical professionals are really dumbfounded" to be true. After all, that's what they have spent countless years going to school for. If God does the healing, why go to doctors?????

Jamie Stavenger said...

I attribute all of Carter's progress to God, through the use of medical experts or otherwise. What we were expecting was different than what was found, thus causing us ALL surprise (yes, even doctors can be surprised by what they find!).

I don't, however, believe God wills everyone to be healed. If that were the case, there would be no sickness and no one would ever die! And I don't believe that an extra measure of prayer affects what God is going to do anyway. We can accept gifts of healing, small or large, as a blessing from the Lord.

Jamie Stavenger said...

I attribute all of Carter's progress to God, through the use of medical experts or otherwise. What we were expecting was different than what was found, thus causing us ALL surprise (yes, even doctors can be surprised by what they find!).

I don't, however, believe God wills everyone to be healed. If that were the case, there would be no sickness and no one would ever die! And I don't believe that an extra measure of prayer affects what God is going to do anyway. We can accept gifts of healing, small or large, as a blessing from the Lord.