Sunday, August 01, 2010

I have been HIJACKED!!!!

Yes, the time has come for me, Chris, to take over this thing for a guest blog. The reason? First, Jamie has always wanted me to surprise her. Second, I was a bad husband yesterday and added to her misery and frustration at the airport. So this is kind of a "I'm sorry" blog as well. I had all these great ideas to write about including: 1) My rules for the grocery store (ex. not taking up the whole aisle by placing the cart right in the middle and not moving it when you see other people coming) 2) Road Rage 3) Airplane etiquette. Instead, I will give 5 reasons why I love my wife! These are not in any order and rest assured, there are an infinite number of reasons, not just five!

1) Jamie, you have made marriage so easy and enjoyable even after two years. We both thought after a couple years, things would become routine and quite boring. We have been wrong! I love every day I am married to you because it is different from the day before. My love just keeps growing and growing for you.

2) You make it so easy to love you. The things you say and do make me laugh. The little surprise notes, showing up at work to say hi, and thinking of fun little dates are just a few of the ways. After a bad or long day at work, you are ready to give me a big hug and make me forget all about it. You make marriage easy!

3) You have given me the cutest baby ever! I don't know what we did to deserve such a cute kid, but, WOW!!! When complete strangers everywhere walk up to Kendall and mention to you or I how cute she is, it makes me smile. Seeing the joy in your face when you hold her or when someone says how cute she is, you light up. You sure do make one heck of an oven! You baked Kendall to perfection!
4) You know how to calm me down. What made me think of this? Yesterday in the car on the drive to Minneapolis, there was a car in the left lane going slow. Obviously I was frustrated because there was no one in the right lane where this car should have been (FYI: Ask Jamie about me and stupid drivers). You calmly took my hand and held it while I passed the slow car in the RIGHT lane. Yes, the lane where the slow cars are supposed to be. You looked at me after this incident and said, "Good job, Honey!" This was because I would usually mumble something to the car about moving over to the right-hand lane where they should have been. But this time I said nothing. I'm not sure how you do it, but you have some kind of magical powers over me! I love that about you!

5) Back Rubs!!!! I usually ask you to give me one a week. Now if you ever have been given a back rub by a piano player, you know that those fingers are not weak. If I could, I'd have one every night. Let me tell you how hard it is not to ask you for one every single night. But when I do ask, I always do it in a certain way. "Sweetie, do you want to EXCHANGE back rubs?" I've learned to use the word "exchange" so that I don't look bad asking only for myself. But, every once in a while you'll let me get away without returning the favor. One of the many reasons why I love you!

I hope you don't mind me hacking into your blog!


Anonymous said...

I'd say you did a fantastic job as hacker; probably won't get prosecuted by you know who! :) Rosa Towle

Donna said...

Here it is-- PROOF that we have the best son-in-law ever! Good job on the blog, I hope you hack in again sometime. :)

Keith said...

Great Blog Chris. Jamie isn't the only talent in the family. Kendall is really blessed. Keith

Amelia said...

haha I was reading the part about changing lanes, and I thought to myself, "but the fast lane IS the right lane,"...and at that moment it hit me. I've been in a foreign country driving on the wrong side of the road too long.

Nice job on the blog :D

Jamie Stavenger said...

Awwwww...thanks, honey! What a surprise! I love you so much.