Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Dog Conversation...Conclusion.

Hi again, friends. My apologies for the abrupt hiatus on the ol' bloggety-blog. Life 'round these parts doesn't get any less boring, that's for sure! Kendall is rolling around and scooting, and boasting two new "toofers"- all of that has kept me on my toes lately! She's doing well...happy, doesn't seem bothered much by it with the exception of her sleep schedule.

Now, the bigger changes at hand: Many of you remember chiming in on this post back in 2008. The dog advocates had a convincing enough stance, so we thoughtfully tread into dog ownership. We adopted an adorable Siberian Husky named Luna. The DAY before we were scheduled to pick her up from her foster home, THIS news was dropped on us! So, for nine months, Luna was an only child. And, aside from some mild neurosis and excessive shedding, it was pretty tolerable.

Luna's often noisy attention-getting methods just didn't fly anymore with a sleeping newborn. Chris' work hours found him craving baby-time in the evenings, and Luna had to now share his affections. She is a jealous lover ;) And although Kendall is thoroughly entertained by the doggy, Kendall's mommy is weary from pulling dog hair from her fingers...and mouth...and clothes...and toys....and food... We just haven't been able to keep up with the maintenance necessary for an infant and large dog to cohabitate. That's all secondary to the fact that we don't feel like we're giving Luna a home environment in which she can thrive.

Therefore, we have made the difficult decision (it WAS difficult, and it WAS "WE") to find a new home for Luna. We have contacted the rescue organization who is assisting us in the process, and she is now listed as "adoptable". It's not fun to make such a major change like this, especially when it involves a living being, and I'm not looking forward to the day we have to say good-bye. I especially feel for Chris, who has been Luna's primary caregiver. It's not going to be easy. However, we're both looking forward to the advantages of a dog-free home again, especially when it comes to our precious baby girl, on whom we'd like to concentrate our time and energies on right now.

Please say a prayer for us as we conclude our time with Luna, and for God's provision as we look for the perfect family to be her forever home.


Donna said...

Oh, sadness - that had to be a tough one to post. The perfect family WILL be found, and your minds will be at ease then. Her time with you has been a wonderful and positive step in transition to that home, where she can thrive even more!

Becky said...

Poor Luna. :( I wonder if her new family would want to take a sassy cat from California too? ;)

Ann said...

I have a perfect family in mind for you! :) My aunt and uncle love huskies and have talked about getting another (their last one passed away maybe 10 years ago). They have a big yard, pool (does Luna like to swim?!) and 2 elem. age kids. I sent them an e-mail with the link to see if they are interested. I'll let you know if they are!

Amelia said...

Oh this post made me so sad! I knew where it was going as soon as you said "then baby came." It makes me think of those commercials where they say, "A baby changes EVERYTHING," lol. But that is too bad, I'm sure Luna will be very sad to leave, but I know you guys will find a fabulous new home for her.

I look forward to the "Kendall got a puppy for Christmas this year!" post in the future. :)