Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It's times like this I feel like the universe is sabotaging me. Seriously.
Just put the baby to sleep.
Finished my workout.
Put a load of laundry in the wash.
Laid down to rest, and heard the following sounds simultaneously:

(In order of obnoxiousness...greatest to least)
1. Low-flying aircraft (thought we'd be that house you see on the evening news with the tail end of the plane sticking out of our roof for a second.)
2. Concrete mixer just pulled up across the street ("Ok guys, the baby is finally asleep. Let's get this job started.")
3. Neighbor kids screaming (seriously, the loudest kids on the planet. Cannot wait for school to start again.)
4. Dog barking (not ours)
5. Birds chirping (it was not a Snow White moment for me.)

Would anyone like to come bang a pot next to my head?
Thank GOD Kendall is sleeping through all of it.
There is, however, no QUIET in my PEACE this nap time.


Donna said...

I feel your pain, as does every mom at some point with babies. For me it was noisy school kids walking home during naptime every day and our dogs faithfully barking at all of them. Remember? :)

Anonymous said...

Also, lawnmowers; and my neighbor YELLING across the street, "Don't ring her doorbell, she works nights!" Rosa