Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Another Referral...

Moving on... ;)

I just wanted to post a quick update on Carter's weaning challenges.
In a nutshell:  I gave up.
I "starved" him out for several days straight, but this method is clearly not advantageous in moving him past this stage.  

We consulted his pediatrician at his 9-month appointment.
I reported every method I've tried, and she consulted a lactation specialist.
BOTH agreed that Carter's early life trauma may be contributing to my inability to wean him.
So, while the doctor agreed that the "starvation" method may be effective for other babies, Carter may require some special coaxing away from the security he finds in me.

Therefore, we are meeting with a child psychiatrist/behavioral specialist whose specialty is:  Infant feeding.  Again, we're in the right place for our medical needs with Carter.

And, forgive me, but I giggle every time I think of Carter sitting in on a fluffy couch across from a man with a pipe and a notepad.  "So Carter, tell me about your abnormal attachment issues...."


@Sklake said...

seriously, how cute it that outfit!

Angela said...

I'm cracking up about the couch! Sorry you're having to see yet another specialist, but I hope Carter is sleeping soundly (and alone!) soon.

Amelia said...

I'm more amused by the Psychological Behavior Analysis Expert who specializes in infant feeding. How exactly does one come to the conclusion that, of all things, breast feeding is their calling in life? O_o lol