Friday, August 31, 2012

Oh, Brother.

Oh, Brother.
Oh, bother.
Both have been on the tongue lately.

Long story short, I'm weaning.
Long story long, when Carter was teeny tiny, he would NOT lay on his back.
We had no idea why, and now have retroactive empathy, but at the time....ugh.  LAY ON YOUR FREAKING BACK without screaming, please!  As we now know, laying on his back contributed to increased pressure in his eyes.  Increased pressure = increased screaming = even greater pressure*.
To alleviate that problem, and to get ANY sleep at all, Carter started sleeping with me.  ON me.
Fast forward nine months.
I have a wiggly, squirmy, 20-pound baby still "sleeping" on me. 

The problem I've had with crib training is unique- that is, I haven't been able to easily google an answer.  While the "cry-it-out" method worked quickly and easily with Kendall, we have been- literally- under Doctor's orders NOT to let Carter cry excessively*.  Well, what's a mommy to do if baby won't go in crib and mommy can't let him cry?

Answer:  9 months of sleeping in Mommy's bed while Daddy kicks it on the couch.

While I love my baby boy DEARLY and our snuggle time is great, getting a fist in the face at 3 a.m. is not.  And, I can't help but sulk every time I pass his beautiful nursery in which he has never slept overnight.

I say, we're done.  It's time to restore justice in this house.
Weaning is in full swing here, and we have a very challenging baby that winces every time a bottle/cup/spoon/dropper/etc. gets near him.  This has added up to four days of ZERO milk feedings during the day. 
YES, I've tried everything. EVERYTHING.
Do not leave suggestions for me in the comment box, I will kick you in your virtual shin.
All of our doctor's suggestions, every random method I searched...all unsuccessful.
He's just being SO stubborn!

So, I've banked all of my hopes on the fact that eventually our persistence will pay off and he'll cave!  I'll be elated to report when it happens.

Until then, oy.  Pray for me.


Emma said...

We will pray for you! It is definitely a unique situation! I hope you find a solution that works for you.

Jenny said...

Yes, I'll be praying for you for sure! I totally feel for you. :( We only recently got Maayu to stop sleeping in our bed and it was heartbreaking and exhausting. Hang in there!

Sarah said...

You might be tired and stressed, but you still have a great sense of humor! Hang in there my friend, brighter days are on the horizon!

@Sklake said...

Fret not, I have an injured husband in my bed who gets kicked in the recently operated hip from our two year old nightly because Zechi STILL climbs into our bed. I prefer to look at it like this: ONE DAY he WON'T want to sleep with me. LOL Hang in there, you are POWER MOM you WILL succeed!

Anonymous said...

"Lay on your freaking back"???? What sort of a comment is that to make about your child????????

Jamie Stavenger said...

Anonymous- As MUCH as I adore my children, when sleep-deprived and frustrated, yep...I've thought that more than once. Any exasperated parent would understand!

Anonymous said...

Normal people don't refer to their children as "freaking children" excuse for that.

Jamie Stavenger said...

Read my post. I never said that. And of course the phrase you have issue with was NEVER spoken out loud to my children! Please understand I'm only trying to communicate the frustration I was feeling at that time. There are a million posts on here about how amazing my kids are. It's completely "normal" to be frustrated on occasion.

Emily said...

I agree with Jamie! We ALL get frustrated with our children and think those thoughts. If you say you don't, you're a liar. Parenting is hard. It sucks sometimes. It creates a new form of frustration we've never, ever experienced before. And when they won't do something they are developmentally supposed to be doing, we do everything possible to lovingly get them there- and hold our frustrations on the inside. We all have those thoughts. Hang in there, Jamie! He'll get there!

Jenny said...

Jamie, you are an amazing mother! An amazing mother who is also a human being with feelings and the need for sleep. You need not apologize for your frustration or your right to express yourself in any way on your own blog. It's obvious you adore your children. If you didn't, why on earth would you have written this post about how you let your sick baby sleep on you for nine months? People who know you would never doubt your love for your children. You're absolutely normal.

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't have any children and if by some chance you do, you must not have spent much time with them. First, I agree with Jamie and that she never called her son her "Freakin Child" in her blog. Second, have you ever heard of the book, "Go the F... to sleep"? Every parent I've talked to about that book laughs and says, "I've had many nights where that is what I thought!" Take a chill pill and be happy Carter has a mom that loves him and his sister more than anything in the world! Go Jamie! You are an awesome Mom!

Franse said...

Laying on your baby on their “freaking” back is what doctors tell you as a mom you need to put your children to sleep as infants!!! It’s called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, dear Anonymous? Anyway, since I know Jamie makes every effort to do what’s best for her children, hence listening to her pediatrician, I have 100% belief they you do not understand this blog. Try NOT sleeping for 9 months and then get back to me. Anyone that really knows Jamie would never question her intention and understand her loving nature. Jamie, I'll be praying for you and little Carter as you go through this transition. You have been his only comfort to a pain he experienced too long, and sleeping on you was not only a relief to the physical pain he felt, and a comfort to his little soul. Look forward to hearing about the progress! XO Franse

Trish said...

Oh Jamie Oh...

Mr. Annoymous....are you friends with my dear, amazing friend Jamie? Do you know that for the last 9 months she has been sleeping and snuggling and putting every single effort towards Mr. Carter, leaving her hubby to sleep on the couch, going to bed a 8pm and leaving the chores for the morning...and let's please not forget the 9 months before that...where she carried Mr. Carter protectively. She and her husband Chris are some of the most dear, loving people God put on this planet. Please DO NOT READ her blog if her venting on a very frustrating time in her life bothers you. Please put yourself in this tired, over snuggled and loving it, Momma's shoes. God grant you patience and understanding for all the Mommy's around the world!!! PS: I totally felt like pulling up the "Go the F to sleep book" to read to myself after my long day. These feelings are normal...and blogs are used much for Momma's to vent their troubles.

Beth said...

So after putting my three boys to freakin bed, I thought I'd catch up on some of my favorite mommy blogs. Jamie I solute you in your perseverance to ween your baby boy! He will get there and soon you will look back and won't believe how fast it goes.
These little humans that we are raising have minds of their own. You learn that the moment they come out.
Keep up the amazing work you are doing loving your children.

Love you tons BFF!

@Sklake said...

Oh my word, drama drama drama. some parents certainly think they are higher than thou...those parents make me gag! LOL Keep it real Jamers, Keep it real!

And FYI, Annoymous, it is not nice to put words in people's mouths. I wish I could say I was the perfect mommy, but if you read my blog you will see a literally cried when I thought I was pregnant-not the good tears of Joy either. Now looking back, I would have it no other way. People are allowed to be honest with their emotions. It is how we deal with them,

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog filled with ups and downs. Your honesty is refreshing. I wish I still made it a priority to blog. Honestly, my filter is so broken from lack of sleep I'm afraid of what might come out of my mouth. Keep up the great job Jamie!

Anonymous said...

Oops, unknown is me, Jenny Platt.

Jenn Glenn said...

Dear Anonymouse (or however the freak you spell it??? I'm too tired to google the correct spelling...strike one in your book, I'm sure),

Would you please come to my house and help me raise my two 1-year-old daughters? I could use some perfection, as I too am weaning and my girls are throwing themselves on the ground, screaming and kicking constantly. I often find myself laughing at them, sometimes even telling them they act like fools. I'm sure I've even thought to tell them to shut their freaking traps on occasion. I NEED your perfect parenting! And can you bring me a latte too?

Yet another imperfectly perfect mother...Jenn Glenn!

P.S. I love your freaking parenting Jamie! Keep it up!!!

Nicole S said...

Dearest Moron (Anonymous)...

Are you serious? Can't a girl vent on her own blog?!? How annoying! I think you need a swift kick in your virtual shins...allow me!

Praying for you Jamie, and that lil' boy of yours!

Amelia said...

Wow, that was a lot. As if you needed more crap to add to your frustration and lack of sleep - you're an awesome mom, Jamie, and a lot of that is because you are open, honest, and realistic about the situations that arise. Good for you, and I promise to show my mother how to put her name on her comments so she isn't confused with this other bitter anonymous person(who is clearly just jealous of your freaking gorgeous children). Keep up the venting, and let's all leave the smiting to the man upstairs. ;)


Anonymous said...

Apparently all of you don't realize the word "freaking" (regardless of where it is in a sentence)is a slang for another word. Priceless..... said...

Dear Anonymous (ahem, coward)

Does it make you feel better about yourself to put down Jamie?

As she stated in the original post, she did not speak those words to her child. In a moment of frustration, which, all parents will have at some point if not many points, she thought the word "freaking"

Oh my, what a big deal and yes, we know what word "freaking" is replacing.

Jamie, from what I've read you're a great mom and wife. Keep on doing what you're doing and love on your family.

To Anonymous-Coward... get a life and move on.

Mandy said...

Wow thank you friends for coming to Jamie's defense! I love her dearly and really can't believe anyone would question her love for her children! How sad. Jamie, thank you for being real. This is why I hardly post on my blog--negative reactions scare me! Anonymous--please get a life. Find a parent to pick on who deserves it--like those neglecting them and screaming and beating them. Those are the people who deserve criticism, not someone who had a negative in her head (which she didn't actually say to her child who would not understand anyway). Love you Jamie!

Jamie Stavenger said...

Guilty as charged :(. I also have been known to say "gosh", "darn", "dang", and "heck" on occasion. I guess my kids are doomed. (if this language offends you, please read no further on my blog. In fact, don't read anything on the Internet.)

Steph said... of the very BEST mommies I know,

It's clear that "Anonymous" does not actually know you. (HUGE bummer for them, by the way!) If they did, I'm quite certain there would've been a better understanding of your post and they wouldn't have been so quick to judge you, specifically in such a hurtful way. Like others have said, thank you for your realness in this post! (If you can't even express these things on your own blog..where can you?!) And bravo for censoring even your own personal thoughts in these extremely frustrating and exhausting situations with your kids. I know for myself, the language that runs through my mind in these kinds of moments can be MUCH more "creative" and definitely uncensored. ;) But, whatev! I'm confident the same is true for most of us. And there is absolutely no harm in momentarily lashing out via our own thoughts. Clearly, it does NOT mean we love our children any less..even in those moments. And can I please add that it's near impossible to believe there's any parent out there who can manage to even THINK only the most joyful of thoughts at all times when dealing with their kids in these situations?! But if in fact that is the case, they should truly write a book on it or something. It looks like the remaining 99% of us could really use some tips and tricks on the matter.
Anyhow, keep on keepin' on, Jame. You're doing an amazing job! Kendall and Carter are firsthand proof of that. And anyone who truly knows you and loves you would say the same. Oh, wait! They already did in the comments above. Silly me.
Love you!! <#

Anonymous said...

Did anyone consider maybe Anonymous DOES in fact know Jamie...? Things sometimes aren't as they always appear.

Steph said...

Wow. Seriously, "Anonymous"? Personally, I'd like to just continue assuming that you do not KNOW Jamie. Otherwise, you've just proven that your sole purpose in all of this is merely to stir the pot. Not to mention, given the words you've had for her here, I would really hope that you would never actually consider yourself to be a friend of hers. No true friend would call out another friend in the manner that you did here.

Mandy said...

Got to agree with Steph. This is truly cowardly. And kinda religious. And judgmental. Who made you the judge? Are you going to say you've never had a negative thought towards someone? You can't possibly be a parent, because I think even the saintliest saint have thought things (or said things, gasp) that most people would not approve of when a child won't stop screaming. No one is perfect--please get off the high horse!

Cindy said...

Anonymous is a jerk .. he/she needs to walk on his/her own side of the street and leave Jamie and her family to their very real life ... the attention you're trying to stir up for yourself is pitiful ...

@Sklake said...

Annoymous, you are entitled to your opinion, and have the right to parent any way you please. But there is something to be said for ettiquet and tact. Now, I too like to stir the pot so stew on this, my three year old has said "What the heck" and "dangit" and yup, she learned that one from me....I snicker everytime.

Prekelicious said...

Catching up on your blog I am dumbfounded by the critical nature of some people. And kryptic creepiness to boot. I hope they never read MY blog. EEK! Can you imagine? I have frustration is MUCH greater than yours. Love you sweet friend!

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