Sunday, August 12, 2012

Baby, You're a Firework.

Let's just *pretend* it's still July, shall we?
This post is a stretch, but I couldn't let these pictures get lost in the abyss of iPhoto without sharing them first.

The Fourth of July landed on a Wednesday this year, which made it awkward to take an excursion to the lake for the weekend.  So, we spent the Fourth in good ol' West Fargo, and invited some friends to join us for some holiday fun.  I reminisced about our block parties as a child as I waved to neighbors outside barbequing- our neighborhood has a very family-oriented feel to it. 

It was sweltering hot, so we set up a pool for the kiddos (by kiddos, I mean OTHER kids since our kid wouldn't touch the water).  Chris threw some meat on the grill, we cracked open a bottle of wine, and enjoyed our time with friends.  Unfortunately, at that time, Carter still freaked about the outdoors (I'm happy to report that it has improved a GREAT deal!) so we switched off staying inside with him. 

After the sun went down, we heard the pyrotechnics starting, so we ventured out the driveway where we got QUITE the surprise!  No need to ever leave our house on the fourth- we had a 360-degree fireworks show!  So, we parked ourselves on the lawn and enjoyed the glittery sky for almost an hour.

I think by this point in the evening, Kendall was done :)

1 comment:

Amelia said...

These pictures are all so beautiful, as usual! Glad you shared them.

And don't worry, I'm about to post a "back-in-July" post this week, so you're not alone. It happens :)