Thursday, April 26, 2012

What Marriage Means To Me

Four years ago there was a wedding.
The wedding started at 2 pm and ended at 6 pm.
What remained in the aftermath of the celebration was a marriage.

Today, we celebrate the anniversary of a very fun party.
But, more importantly, we remember why we threw that big ol' shindig in the first place...
we had some very important words to say to each other, and some hefty promises to make in front of God and a lot of people.

In light of recent circumstances, I'd like to restate what marriage means to me...this time in my own disheveled, blunt, type-as-I-think words.  I thought this would be a good reminder to myself, to Chris, to our families and friends as we enter our fourth year of wedded "bliss".  Heh.  No, really.  :)

Marriage is doing life as a team.
It's making decisions for us, not me.  
It means ridding myself of all selfishness and putting another person at the front of my mind.
It's about finding my "niche" in our family- taking on roles and tasks that keep our household running.
It's about encouraging my husband as he provides generously for our family.
It's about sacrifice.  Daily.

Marriage is about loyalty.
It's standing up for the other person.
It's about patience and often giving the benefit of the doubt.
It's about respect, being confident in your spouse's abilities.
It's about HONESTY.
It's about being a good friend.

Marriage is NOT cheesy movie love stories.
It does NOT mean there won't be arguments.
It does NOT mean that it won't be lonely sometimes.
It's about sharing every smile and every tear.

Marriage is real life.  Fun stuff.  Hard stuff.
Marriage is HARD WORK.
It's accepting the other as a fallible human being.
It's knowing where they are weak and showing grace.
It means being open to new experiences.
It's knowing that the hard times will pass.
It's adjusting to different phases of life together, 
it's a constant in a sea of variables.

Marriage is a reflection of God's love for us.
It's a person to serve with, pray with, grow with.
It's God's plan for the raising of our family.
Our children boast features from each of us...
...a constant reminder of our union.
It's dedicating ourselves fully to setting a Godly example-
for our kids, our family and our friends.

As our Pastor stated eloquently in our wedding ceremony,
it's being HEROES, champions of marriage in a world that doesn't take it seriously.

Marriage is a GIFT.
And it's one for which I often neglect to be grateful.

Today, Lord, I'm grateful for my marriage and the honorable man you brought in to my life.  In our four short years we've endured some rough seas, which makes me all the more secure going forward- I know we can weather it together.  We surrender, every day, our marriage and our family to You.


Amelia said...

LOVE. You, your family and this post. More of an inspiration than you know.

And Happy Anniversary! :D

Angela said...

Thanks for the reminder that marriage is a GIFT!

Jeannette Steiber said...

Congratulations to you both on your 4th anniversary! You summed it up perfectly!

Emma said...

Happy anniversary! What a beautiful reminder of what marriage is all about!

Kristine said...

This is so uplifting. Thank you!

Carol Pickle-Slattery said...

Amen Jamie! Happy Anniversary!!!

Joy said...

Beautiful and honest expression in your 'marriage-means to me' piece.

Jennifer said...

That was beautiful and so very true...Thanks Jamie!! And a Happy Anniversary to you both :)

Jenny said...

Thanks once again, Jamie, for such true and inspiring words! Having been raised by divorced parents, I had no idea how amazing and fulfilling marriage could be.It's cliche, but I do love Alex more with every passing year.What a wonderful and special union we have been blessed with! Happy anniversary to you and Chris. Here's to many, many more. :)

oil painting gossip said...

Marriage idea sharing with us is very nice.I quite agree with you.

Anonymous said...

You've accomplished a lot in 4 long years; a high five to both of you! Rosa

Deanna said...

You really capture the spirit of marriage! Will keep Carter and all of you in our prayers!