Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feelin' Stoned.

I had grandiose plans for blogging this weekend.
The whole family was gone, and I had plenty of time to draft some scintillating prose for you.

It was going to be really incredible.

As a reader, I would feel gypped, because instead of the above mentioned incredibleness,  THIS is all you get today:
a disgusting picture of MY KIDNEY STONE.

Kidney stones:  Thwarters of blogging plans.  Thwarters of ALL plans.
Right on cue, when EVERYONE is gone, that little bastard decided to shred my insides.  A generous Mother-In-Law cut her lake vacay short to get me to the emergency room, where they stocked me up with enough morphine for a small army, and Chris drove through the night from Omaha to get home (awwww...).

This episode was pretty awesome- that thing showed persistence like no other, cutting through 4 doses of morphine to make itself known.  And, I also got a BONUS this time around:  a morphine HANGOVER, the perks of which include getting to feel your own heartbeat in your head all day, and revisiting that beloved first-trimester nausea. 

Can't think of a better way to spend a gorgeous weekend.  Or can I?


Roxeanne said...

Holy crap that sounds horrible. I hope you're feeling better.

Jenny said...

Oh, Jamie, you poor thing! It's amazing that something that small can be so horribly painful. I hope that you are feeling better soon. As if it's not tough enough to be pregnant. :(

Kathy said...

Wow! So happy it all came out OK in the end (couldn't resist!) and giggling because you saved it, and showed us a picture! Feel better soon!!

Becky said...

Good Lord that sounds painful! Yowza!

Valerie Turner said...

Jamie, is there some "Pregnant Woman of the Year" award we can submit you for? You're a shoe-in! Hard to believe it hurts as much (or more) to push that little bitty stone out as a 7 lb. baby.

Jamie Stavenger said...

...or 10 pound baby, as I can attest :)

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up,to avoid kidney stones, you ate grapes, celery and raw potatoes. I always ate the raw potatoes; something about the potassium prevents some kinds of stones forming. They would also give you an ounce each of olive oil and vinegar (or lemon juice) and the stones would pass in a day or two. Rosa

Amelia said...

Lol @ my mom! Haha there you go Jamie, NEXT TIME you get a kidney stone, you know how to make it pass more quickly! hahahahaha

Glad you're feeling better though. Hurry up and find out baby number two's sex so I can go shopping! :D

Melissa Gomes said...

Sorry to hear. No Fun! Hope you are feeling much better!

Jamie Stavenger said...

Thanks for the tips, Rosa- I've actually heard of lemon juice- and, of course, had none on hand- but thankfully it passed on it's own in less than 48 hours (they usually do anyway, so I wonder if it's the juice at all that helps?). :)