Monday, June 27, 2011

They Done Graduated.

Me:  "I'll be in California next week."
Them:  "Oh really?  What for?"
Me:  "My first class of second graders is graduating high school."
(stunned silence as they calculate how many years that is...)

Kinda fun to ambush people with that information (teaching seems like a lifetime ago!) until I realize that, WOW...that really DOES make me sound/feel olllllld!  The above conversation took place countless times before I visited CA in May to attend the graduation ceremonies of some very special students.  I attended 2 graduations, and saw 14 of my former 2nd graders receive diplomas- one as a valedictorian. 

I've had a lot of students, but my first class remains a special one to me.  I was simultaneously working on my teaching credential, and many of the students were used as case studies and projects throughout the year, developing special relationships with them.  In addition, I had the most amazing, supportive group of parents the world has EVER seen!  I've kept in touch with them through the years, caroling on their doorsteps at Christmastime, and they've been there for me with wedding and baby showers.  I wouldn't have missed their kids' special day for anything!

JP displays a picture of a much tinier version of himself...

This happy graduate is off to Chico State in the fall!

Lincoln High School graduation- I graduated on the same field 16 years earlier!

My lovely girl, Katrin- off to SJDC in the fall!

St. Marys High School graduation ceremony

Former students Amanda (left-graduate) and Angela (graduating next year!)

Cydney will soon be a fellow CSU Sacramento alum!
So, so proud of all my sweet "kids"!

Friday, June 24, 2011


It's been slobbered on.
It's been dropped.
It's cover has been ripped off and reapplied so many times it doesn't stick.
It's been cracked.  It's chipped.
It's red has faded.
It has bits of cracker crumbs in every crevice.

It's a genuine "MOM" phone.
But not anymore...
Something got a fancy new makeover!
We'll see how long it lasts...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feelin' Stoned.

I had grandiose plans for blogging this weekend.
The whole family was gone, and I had plenty of time to draft some scintillating prose for you.

It was going to be really incredible.

As a reader, I would feel gypped, because instead of the above mentioned incredibleness,  THIS is all you get today:
a disgusting picture of MY KIDNEY STONE.

Kidney stones:  Thwarters of blogging plans.  Thwarters of ALL plans.
Right on cue, when EVERYONE is gone, that little bastard decided to shred my insides.  A generous Mother-In-Law cut her lake vacay short to get me to the emergency room, where they stocked me up with enough morphine for a small army, and Chris drove through the night from Omaha to get home (awwww...).

This episode was pretty awesome- that thing showed persistence like no other, cutting through 4 doses of morphine to make itself known.  And, I also got a BONUS this time around:  a morphine HANGOVER, the perks of which include getting to feel your own heartbeat in your head all day, and revisiting that beloved first-trimester nausea. 

Can't think of a better way to spend a gorgeous weekend.  Or can I?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Let the Lake Fun Commence!

One perk of living in Moorhead is that we are MUCH closer to the lake house- trims off 3 1/2 hours of drive time.  Of course, we are utilizing it whenever possible.  Here are pictures from our summer inaugural trip to the lake...
I'm the King of the Worrrrrld!

A control freak in the making.

Look at that face....she was NOT a fan of the jetski.

Hi, I'm Jamie and I like to burn stuff.  :(

Ready for a snack, Mom!

Trying out the new hammock with Grandma Marcia.

Favorite activity at the lake (or anywhere)- walking around aimlessly.

Snuggle time with mommy....perfection.

Fun in the sun with Dad!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

All About the X's

I read of a study a while back which researched the happiest combinations of sibling genders, creating "harmonious families" (check it out here- it's worth the read).  I thought it was pretty humorous, though it wasn't intended to be.  When we found out we were pregnant again, I thought about the article and what gender would create for us, theoretically, the happiest family life.  Research says, we'll be happiest if baby #2 is popping pink!  That's right, the study says that families with "two girls are most likely to be: well-behaved,  play nicely together, easy to reason with, and rarely try to push each other's buttons." 

I know this study probably pushes the buttons of those bearing sons somewhere in their offspring.   And many others can attest that often girls don't bear the sugar and spice with which they are labeled.  But according to, here are the BEST to WORST combinations of siblings:

1. Two girls
2. One boy and one girl  (Happy Petersens!)
3. Two boys
4. Three girls
5. Three boys
6. Four boys
7. Two girls and one boy
8. Two boys and one girl
9. Three boys and one girl   (Poor Stavengers...)
10. Three girls and one boy
11. Two boys and two girls
12. Four girls

We find out in about 4 weeks if our family will have optimal harmony or not.   Theoretically, of course.  ;-)

Monday, June 06, 2011

But I Just Don't FEEL Pregnant.

This pregnancy has been weird.
I've been sick, tired, sick and tired.
I've got an conspicuous round bump on the front side of me.
And though all signs point to PREGNANT, I have had a hard time making the connection mentally.

I think the miscarriage messed with my mind a bit.  I didn't allow myself to feel happy about getting pregnant again.  I haven't made it a priority to "bond" with this baby like I did the last.  I haven't even talked about it much.  And it wasn't until last week when we SAW the baby on the screen and heard that healthy heartbeat that I truly embraced my pregnancy.

Factor number two, to which many more moms can relate, is the fact that I'm BUSIER this time around- busy taking care of baby (toddler!) #1!  I don't have time to immerse myself in pregnancy books and watch "A Baby Story" every day.  Maternity shopping has lost it's luster (mainly because I'm reusing many items, and no thanks to the extra baby weight I'm still carrying from the first).  It's business as usual here, and this pregnancy seems to be an afterthought to both Chris and I.

Baby #2, just chillin' with it's feet up.  :)
So, Baby #2, I am already bearing some mommy guilt for not paying more attention to your miraculous growth these last few months.  We promise to love you JUST as much as your big sister!  And in the meantime, we are busy preparing our lives for your big entrance.  I hope you understand if it's a little chaotic for a while- just enjoy your peaceful little home for the time being. 

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Still Perplexed by the Chick.

It makes an appearance in every Easter basket...and it remains one of the most mystifying finds.
Easter 2010

Easter 2011