Thursday, May 22, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again!

Hi friends! Yep, I'm still alive! I had to dust off my old blogger program and get back in this game! I don't even know where to begin...there is so much to tell! I'll wait to post pictures of the wedding until we've got some professional shots to show you. If you can't wait to see some of the action, you can check out some pictures here, here, here, here, or on my facebook page.

Anyway, I think I'll attempt to quickly tackle the honeymoon, and then on to normal life in Minnesota! We spent 6 days in Victoria, British Columbia. It was a little chilly and rainy when we arrived, but cleared up by the end of the week. Our hotel was within walking distance from downtown Victoria and the wharf, so we did a lot of foot travel. Our room overlooked Fisherman's Wharf and the mouth of the harbor. It was fun watching the sea planes take off and land...not so fun listening to them at 7 in the morning, though.

Because Victoria doesn't demand a ton of sightseeing, we had lots of leisure time to explore. One of our favorite stops was the Sticky Wicket Pub, where we would play darts and pool before enjoying dinner on a couple different occasions.

Our evening walks led us right by the Parliament Building- it's gorgeous at night!

The weather was pretty yucky on our first day, so we didn't do much outside. However, there was a window of sunshine the next morning which we used to explore Butchart Gardens. It's a really spectacular arrangement of several gardens. Chris didn't find it particularly amazing ("they're just flowers..."), but he DID have the "best hamburger he's ever had" for lunch at the gardens. Best to go a little later in the year, when the roses are in bloom.

I think Chris would agree that the highlight of our week was our massage at the spa. It was the perfect finale to an already relaxing week. Since it was so sunny afterwards, we grabbed a coffee and lingered around the Parliament Building for some people-watching.

We ended our honeymoon back in the great state of Minnesota, where Chris' college roommate was married just a week after us! We stayed in Minneapolis a couple days for the occasion, and had fun re-living our ceremony from the attendee perspective (though, we'd argue, ours was much more interesting!). And at THIS party, we actually got to dance! :)

The celebration continues with our "Minnesota Reception" this weekend in Fargo. I'm sure I'll have more on that in the near future. Meanwhile, thank you for having me back on your screen...
please stay in touch!


Phil said...

Welcome back! Isn't it great to just relax and not worry about ANYTHING after the craziness leading up to the wedding?

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time - I'm jealous, I LOVE Canada, or as I like to call it, "America's Hat." ;)

Also, Sticky Wicket has an entirely different connotation around our house, and it's usually means the dog has been up to no good. =)

Miss you...

Jamie Stavenger said...

Oh my goodness, Phil...I should have gotten you a shirt from the Sticky Wicket! :) Thanks for your note- it IS nice not having any wedding planning on the agenda. Now we're in homeowner mode...fixing the lawn, cleaning, painting, etc. If it's not one thing, it's another!

Becky said...

Yay! A blog from Jamie! I was getting really restless without your blog as a vehicle for procrastination. Looks like you had a beautiful time!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful honeymoon. Congratulations!