Friday, February 01, 2008

I'm Only A Month Behind.

Have I really been here a MONTH?! This debriefing is LONG overdue, but I figured I'd crank it out before any more months fly by...

Just over a month ago, my friend, Suzanne, and I DROVE from Stockton, CA, to Duluth, MN. There were crazy storms coming in just as we were departing, but the Lord spared us from needing chains at any point during our trip. The worst weather occured on the summit just past Salt Lake City on our first day of driving, causing our first overnight to take place in Park City, Utah. Suzanne and I got the low-down on Mormons and caffeine from a Starbucks employee in SLC...apparently they make most of their money on hot cocoa since coffee is a no-no for the Smith-following faithfuls.

Day 2 brought the most treacherous driving conditions paired with the most boring flatland sightseeing. Listening to "The Hiding Place" on audio tape helped keep our minds agile through the gusty winds and icy roads of Wyoming and Nebraska. We were more than grateful for the home-cooked meals and cozy beds provided for us by the Hahns in Lincoln, NE. Ah, midwestern hospitality at it's finest.

Day 3 was short and sweet...a sharp left turn in Iowa put us on course for Duluth. Iowa was pleasantly more scenic than it's midwestern rivals, though no Starbucks was to be found near the freeway. There was a disturbing number of "Kum-and-Go" convenience stores, which Suzanne and I avoided on principle alone. As you can see above, my car was sporting quite the coat of mud and dust by time we reached Iowa.

Suzanne and I made good time in Duluth, stopping long enough to put our luggage down and run to the nearest Caribou Coffee (when in MN, do as the Minnesotans do...) and get ready for New Years Festivities.

So I say to you, this February 1st, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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