Thursday, July 02, 2009

Dear Abby...

Alright, so no one is yelling...just gently nudging. And if you're a blogger, you know there are "lulls" that help you collect some thoughts. My "lull" was more of a "Oh my gosh, I'm so behind..." I'll be diving back into May and June to catch up shortly, but first, I NEED YOUR HELP!

If anyone still reads this thing (I know a lot of you use it as a link to my brother's blog!), I'm looking for a little "Dear Abby" advice.

We have neighbor trouble.

He is a middle-aged gentleman who, we assume, is divorced and has partial custody of his kids. When the kids are around, we have no problems! BUT, when they are gone, almost like clockwork around 10 or 11 p.m., he begins to blare his music. This usually lasts until 1 or 2 in the morning. Our bedroom wall is adjacent to his living room, so SOME can be excused for close proximity. But, it seems that late at night, one should dial down the annoying techno music in favor of your neighbors' sanity (Chris usually leaves to sleep on the couch during these episodes). Last night, the neighbor had friends over for a bonfire in the backyard- the music played OUTDOORS from 10 to 12:30 p.m.

So...what to do. I would feel comfortable approaching him if we had some kind of previous acknowledgement. However, we've been bad neighbors and haven't gotten to know them. Because of that, I also feel a little awkward calling the cops on his little late night shindigs.

With a baby on the way and a husband who works long hours, we need our sleep over here! So we ask you...have you had a similar experience with nasty neighbors?
What would YOU do??


Anonymous said...

So let the cops be the bad guys ... there is a noise curfew law everywhere ... here it is 10 on the weekdays and 12 on weekends ... you have as much a right to a good night's sleep as the next guy, and he doesn't sound like he has a brain in his head, so maybe the cops can knock on his door a few times and mildly (or not) suggest that he be considerate... the cops will want your name as the caller, but they won't tell the neighbor who it is that called... it could be any one of your neighbors! Eventually he'll become tired of the cops at his door every night (or however much you call) and he'll move on to some other neighborhood ... Come on, you can do it ... really ... I did and do when new neighbors think they are above the law ... stops it in an instant ... go for it ... you can call the non-emergency line at the police station and ask them what your curfew law is and then tell them the problem if you're afraid ... they'll back you up, believe me ... no one has the right to steal anybody's peace and quiet ...

Anonymous said...

I say put on the outfit that most accentuates your tummy, knock on his door and tell him the doctor told you that in a few months you will not be getting any sleep so you need to get as much as possible now. Would he like to see the note from your doctor?

Seriously though, I would at least talk to the city offices/police and see what the ordinances are and how they suggest you handle it. They may handle it for you, drive by a few times, and the like... :)

Miss you out here! shelley

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

You own a dog, right? dog poo, paper bag, and a lighter... :-)

I say just send Chris over to talk to him. I find that trying to talk things out with people usually works. He may not even know that he's bothering you because you are a young couple without kids (at least for a few more months). Be nice about it, and hopefully he'll quiet things down a bit. If not, then I would start getting law enforcement involved if you aren't part of a home-owners association. If you are, I'd talk to them first.

Trish said...

I got it! Maybe he is a fun guy, annoying, but maybe doesn't know he is annoying :) You should befriend him, make buddies, have a bbq & joke about the music :) Or go introduce yourself w/ a 'hello, I am Jamie, blah blah blah, haha funniest thing we were up late last night and thought about coming over because we heard your music thought you were having a party' you get it, do what your Momma taught you "Kill him with your kindness..." unless he sucks, then call the cops already!

Jenn Glenn said...

Ask him why you're never invited to the party, since he obviously wants you to know he's having one. Then lay down his options...he can either invite you over (remind him you're eating for two and have very specific cravings that late at night) or turn it down =D