Thursday, July 30, 2009

Date Night Comedy

Chris and I had a super-fun, spur-of-the-moment date last Friday when we picked up tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld in Duluth. As you can imagine, Duluth isn't exactly a mecca for quality entertainment, so when a "big name" rolls into town, it's quite a treat! (For example, Duluthians are still talking about George Clooney's stay at the Sheridan on his promo tour for "Leatherheads".) Thursday night, we got some tickets at last-minute prices (score!), but that didn't come without some headache later. After Seinfeld started his routine, a lady in the aisle was claiming the gentlemen next to us were in her seats. They, in turn, claimed that WE were in THEIR seats. After 5 minutes of whispered debate, and involving an usher with a flashlight, we determined that our seats were double-sold...and the usher quickly escorted the woman to another empty seat. The bummer of that whole scenario was that we missed a good portion of the opening.

Despite the hubbub, we really enjoyed the show. And, I must say that it's not often you can find comedy acts that are pretty "clean" these days. I appreciated that aspect of his routine, and it didn't hinder the hilarity...both of us had sore stomach muscles from laughing! Definitely catch the act if it swings by you!

1 comment:

Emma said...

How fun for you guys! I agree - there isn't enough "clean" comedy around.