Friday, July 10, 2009

Remind You of Somebody?

Looking a little Clinton-esque these days, aren't we?
Oh, Lordy Lordy...

4 comments: said...

I've seen this photo a few times now and I refuse to believe it, it must be photoshopped. The chosen one would not do something like this, he's perfect.

Angela said...

Not that I'm a big fan of the president, but in his defense, I saw the video in motion, and it looks more like he was looking down as he went down the steps.

Then again, maybe he's looking. The girl's got some booty.

What's booty in French anyway?

Have fun in CA. I'll be there in about 10 days!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw the video of it too and he wasn't looking there. You can take a still shot of any video of anyone and make it look sinister.

Christopher and Cheryl said...

Google the word "is" followed by a space. Don't hit enter, just look at what the most popular searches were starting with the word "is". You'll catch a pretty interesting glimpse into the minds of the internet-searching world. Oh BTW, congratulations about your pregnancy. Best wishes and health from both Cheryl and I.