Sunday, May 06, 2012

Preparations and Prayer

I've been dreading this week.
We're filling out paperwork and making final preparations for Carter's surgery on Thursday.
Tonight we ordered the above arm immobilizers so he won't be able to touch his eyes post surgery.
It's heart wrenching.

I've been talking to Jesus a lot lately, mainly about our little guy.
I'm confused about why this trial is necessary, but I've heard two things loud and clear from Him:
1)  We are in the right place.  I've wondered why our move to Fargo was part of His plan...perhaps this is it.  Our pediatrician "happened" to refer us to her "favorite" eye doctor in town, who just "happened" to have done her residency with a nationally-recognized Pediatric Glaucoma Specialist.  (Literally, she writes the textbook on it.)  Had we been anywhere else, this may not have even been diagnosed, let alone treated by such a capable surgeon.
2)  Jesus loves me.  He never lets go, through the calm and through the storm...

If you are walking this trial with us, could we ask you to pray for some specific things?
1)  Pray that Carter's condition requires the lesser of two invasive surgeries.
2)  Pray that his tiny body responds well to the anesthesia.
3)  Pray that his recovery is swift and as painless as possible.
4)  Pray for God to give Chris and me emotional and physical strength to endure this week.
5)  Pray for safe travels for Grandma Donna, who is coming to care for Kendall.

"Thank you" is not adequate enough for all the support and love we've received these past few weeks.  God has blessed us with the best possible community of friends!
Updates to come...


Marcia and Jeff said...

You got it . . prayers all day every day! Love you all!! Mom and Dad

Jenny said...

Absolutely praying for your family this week, Jamie. Awesome about the eye specialist! We had a similar experience with our #2 son who suffered from severe asthma and allergies from day 1 but no one figured it out. When we moved to SB the pediatrician referred us to the nation's top allergist/asthma expert who happened to be in SB. Sometimes we wonder if we went there just so our son could have the proper care he needed. Wonderful reminders of just how much God loves us and knows our personal needs.

Faith said...


Paula said...

Oh Jamie, my heart is crying for you. Your family has endured so much lately and over the past couple of years. I prayed through your list this morning. He never let's go Jamie, never. XOXO Paula

@Sklake said...

I will never forget when Hannah had surgery just before her 2nd birthday. We ahd a benign tumor removed from above her eye. It is NEVER easy to see your little one endure such hardship. All she remembers is that she got a popcycle after surgery, and I cherished holding her in my arms as she was waking up from anesthesia. I cried, from the thoughts of what if, as I am sure you will also, but as you know God is always in control. We are praying for you!

Jeannette Steiber said...

Praying for your family this morning, Jamie, and especially for little Carter.

Mary Martin said...

Praying for your family Jamie


Anonymous said...

Colton had surgery when he was two days old and I will never forget those first couple days of his life and how scared I was... like it wasn't enough being a new mom! The anesthesia worried me more than the procedure itself. Where are you having it done? Colton had his at Children's in Minneapolis and I was so pleased with the staff and facility. Other parents complained of sleeping accommodations, but it didn't bother me one bit. I just wanted to be close to my baby and was so happy they allowed both parents to stay in his room.
Thinking and praying for Carter and your family this week.

Dayna said...

Jamie- Praying for you, Chris, Kendall and Carter. God is so good and YOUR steadfast faith through this is amazing and inspirational. Thank you for sharing this with us through your blog. Love, dayna

Marie Wright said...

We are and will be praying for Carter and all of you! Please let us know the exact time of surgery! God loves you all and will be there with you!

Sara said...

Your faith is impeccable, trust in it, it will get you through this trial. And it will be made stronger because of it. Christ never said he would rescue us from our trials, but He promises us time and again that He will carry us through them. He IS with you, I'm so glad you have that assurance. My thoughts and prayers are with you as well as your sweet little boy.

Franse said...

Tears in my eyes and prayers lifted this morning, for little Carter and the family. The heart goes out to you.

Brandy Carlson said...

Your family is always in my prayers! I will continue to pray with your requests. Thank you and hear my prayer! Much love!

Valerie T said...

The prayers have been, are being, and will be said. Bless you all and especially Carter.

Nicole Nolan said...

We are praying for you! God is ALWAYS FAITHFUL!

Angela Trenbeath said...

Good luck with everything! I'll be praying for your little guy!

Terre Moss said...

Prayers for all of you Jamie. Hang tough.. hugs!!

Jess Witty said...

Sending prayers your way.

Carrie Ellcessor said...

Jamie... prayers for all of you!

Kathy said...

Praying for all of you!

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to have a God that all you have to do is ask for peace, and to see the sparkles of sunlight through the clouds, and He does it! Stockton is full of prayers for your family. Rosa

grandma GG said...

Dear Sweet Carter My prayers are with you and Mommie and daddy and Kendall I love you all so much Great Grandma GG