Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Beautification

I've been inspired recently by some do-it-yourself-er friends of mine, and decided that I could spruce up our porch with a little creativity. I saw this idea in Rachael Ray's magazine and thought it was ingenious. Kendall went down for nap today, and I let the pumpkin guts fly! A bright and cheery welcome to some special visitors due to arrive this week! :)


Becky said...

Look at you Martha Stewart! So festive. I love fall!

Donna said...

Wow, what a creative idea! Can hardly believe I'll get to SEE your beautiful porch so very soon... and YOU, too!

Paula said...

My boys went to Del'Osso farms yesterday. They brought me back two large pumpkins to decorate with. I sure hope they turn out as good as yours. The carving begins next Sunday!