Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Winter Thanks

It's wintertime. Literally and figuratively. Literally, as subzero temperatures lurk just outside this warm house. Figuratively in the midst of sadness in our family. Both give good reason to stop and reflect on life's blessings, large and small. Here's my list:

*For Kendall, who has filled up my long, boring days with new challenges and new joys.
*For my husband, who keeps me sane.
*For telephones and Skype.
*For grocery shopping. Used to hate it. Now, it's a welcomed retreat from the routine, and time to myself.
*For drive-up grocery loading at aforementioned grocery store.
*For a great church with a great coffee bar.
*For friends who care enough about me that they would visit Duluth in the heart of winter. (Thanks, Steph and Beth!!!)
*For hot chocolate (which I forgot I made half an hour ago. Oops!)
*For some great new pictures of our family.
*For warm slippers (thanks, mom!)
*For the new Bachelor...he's a treat for the eyes :)
*For grandmas that have been such a huge help around the house.
*For random memories of my brother that make me smile.
*For snowfall that I can enjoy from inside.
*For baby smiles and sparkling eyes.

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