Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dumb 'Ol Luck

My dad and I have been playing a lot of Backgammon recently.
Know the game?
I lose a lot, but it's not because I don't have skill.
I've got mad skillz.
He's just lucky.
Why can't I get double sixes every once in a while?
For all you that are UN-lucky, like me, I thought you would enjoy the following montage for inspiration.

Feeling lucky now?


x said...

I played backgammon with my dad when I was really young, but I don't remember how to play now. I'm more of a dominoes guy.

Revolution Downey...yessssss. My bass playing is nothing special, but hey, I'm only like eight months in. Plus it's good for me to be up in front of people.

isellseals said...

hahahahaha!!!!!!! the best way to toast someone? grill! i'm crying i'm laughing so hard!

Anonymous said...

Don't believe her, she has an unbelievable amount of luck. That's the only way she can beat me.

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

I forgot how to play. But I have a sweet set.

Jamie Stavenger said...

I should say, in fairness, that immediately following this post, God blessed me with a loooong streak of doubles. Gotta love irony.