Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Blog Woes

I haven't been a diligent blogger lately.

Oh, you noticed?  :-/

I'll make another embarrassing confession:  I haven't been reading many blogs, either.

But I'll tell you what makes me feel slightly better about my lack of blogosphere activity... YOU  haven't been blogging either!

That's right...YOU. 
I, along with hundreds of thousands of others, am having to make the tedious transition away from Google Reader (it goes dark on July 1).  As I've been taking inventory of the 65 blogs I follow,  I've become sadly aware of how many favorites have been abandoned. 

So, it's time to do some purging, and some freshening up, too.

If the date of your last blog post ends with "2011," you will probably disappear from my reader list.  Maybe that doesn't make you sad.  But I'll be wiping tears away with every push of the "delete" button.  (sniff...sniff) 

MAYBE there's hope!  MAYBE your next blog post is just around the corner, and a plea to SAVE your feed is in order!  Well, I'm all ears.  Eyes.  Whatever.  Go.

lianadickson.wordpress.com ....You were one of my favorites.  I've grieved your blog since your last post on April 5, 2010.  PLEASE tell me your new life adventure will produce some great blog fodder!!
deborahdanielle.blogspot.com... Sure, the subtitle of your blog reads: "I'm not very reliable with this blog.  Don't get too excited."  But your unhealthy obsession with Kelly Clarkson makes me feel more normal.  I need your blog in my life.
redmollycooks.wordpress.com... your humorous spin on recipe writing is just as savory as the recipes themselves.  I know you're very busy writing trivia questions and updating your Facebook status, but I miss the culinary inspiration.
eskimomomma.blogspot.com... I last heard from you on June 19, 2012.  Your manner of honest writing is always refreshing and, frankly, I just like keeping tabs on you from across the state!  I hope you find some inspiration to get eskimomomma back up and running!
alberico.net...I need more pictures of your cutie-patootie in his glasses!!  It's been TWO YEARS since you posted last!!
sluderfamily.blogspot.com...The "royal couple" is now about to have their first baby, and your last post was the day of their wedding.  There are SO many reasons I want your blog to continue... ;-)
ibby66.wordpress.com...Your writing always makes me so proud!  I knew you were a smart cookie when you brought C.S. Lewis to read in Second Grade.  I hope that summer vacation will free up some time for you to write!

And, I'm just going to throw this out there....HEIDI SNAVELY, you need to write a blog.  The end.

Alright, enough pleading from me. 
I expect my blogroll will be drastically reduced in the days to come, which means I have room for GREAT blogs to read!  Do you know of any must-read blogs?  What are your favorites? 


Ann said...

Well my blog is nothing to brag about, but after a 17 month absence, I posted a couple last night. Back dating is legal in the blog world, right?? I've been feeling so guilty not keeping up with it!

Deb said...

hahaha okay okay. only for you though.

Kathy said...

I actually have a post written, it mentions sex, the love hormone, and God... My finger has hovered over 'post' for over a week. You may have pushed me over the edge. Thanks for the nudge and kind words!

Heidi said...

I have the name and about 5 posts in my head. But then I think of actually doing it, and setting it up , and making it cute and I overwhelm myself. It's a good read ......... In my head. Youre the third person to tell me " start a blog, already!"

Dayna said...

You need to follow joyshope.com and smallthingsarebigthings.com oh! AND google Wendy Hagen, totally desperate mom!

Jamie Stavenger said...

Thanks for the tips, Dayna! I'll check them out!

Lisa said...

So what are you going to use instead of Google Reader?

Jamie Stavenger said...

Lisa- I've heard good things about www.feedly.com

Lisa said...

That's what I've heard from a few other people, too...

Kathy said...

I like yours the best! Here is another favorite:


Prekelicious said...

Welp...since I didnt make the list...no pressure here. Yay! My perimenopausal life nowadays is certainly blog matetial but Im too sweaty, angry and out of control emotions to sit at a computer and focus. Good thing Im a bad writer :)

Becky said...

I read the EASIEST tutorial for switching your blog feed to Bloglovin today at www.lilblueboo.com. Like no brainer, push three buttons kind of easy. I had been dreading the transition as well. Now I wonder why I was slumming in Google Reader for so long! Doooo it!

Jamie Stavenger said...

Kari...You soared safely into my blog reader, being that you've posted in the last 2 months! :) And Becky....DONE!!

Jenny said...

Whew...glad I'm not on the purge list! ;)