Tuesday, July 25, 2006


It's Tuesday, and my brain feels like jell-o. I haven't fully assimilated back into normal time, and being back at work has been amusing and frustrating. As you can imagine, my paperwork is piled high from my two-week absence, and I'm not back to my usual semi-apt self quite yet.

I had a couple of advising appointments yesterday and was a mess in both, forgetting easy acronyms like SB2042 and LEDU 301. I live and breathe here by acronyms. If you are interested in a credential, you may be interested in SB2042, RYAN, or AB57. Of course, now, you'll have to obtain AB1059 content during your TPP by taking the CLAD exam, but only after you get CoC authorization. You'll also be required to complete CBEST, CSET and RICA examinations. Once this is complete, and all 4 TPA's have been assessed, I'll issue you a C-19 letter.

That's exactly why I found the following Dilbert comic so amusing...


Kevin said...

the sad thing is i went to school to implement things like ISO 9000 at plants, and i for some reason decided to go to a plant that doesn't regard the certification as a good thing. OOPS. waste of education.

Anonymous said...

No Six Sigma? haha :)