Tuesday, April 02, 2013

This Post Has a Point, I Promise.

When Chris and I were dating long-distance, the two-hour time difference we experienced really made scheduling phone calls a challenge.  By the time I woke up, Chris was already at work.  By the time he was done for the day, I still had two or three hours left.  With multiple evening commitments on my end during the week, often my only opportunity to really "talk" with him was later in the evening before my bedtime (after Chris had already fallen asleep).  Conversations went something like this...

Me:  Hi honey!
Chris: (groggy and quiet)  Heeyyyyyyy.
Me:  How was your day??
Chris:  (still groggy) Goooooooood.
Me:  Sorry to call so late, I was at rehearsal.
Chris:  (as if stretching simulaneously)  Thaaaaat's okaaaaay.
Me:  What did you do tonight?
Chris:  (silence)
Me:  Chris?
Chris:  Huh?
Me:  What did you do tonight?
Chris: (yawns) nothin.
Me:  Do you want to go back to sleep?
Chris:  Mmmmmm...zzzzzzzz.

I learned pretty quickly that it's completely useless talking to Chris in his sleepy state.  SO, we switched our phone call agenda to a Chris-will-call-Jamie-on-his-way-to-work-at-4:30am-her-time plan.  I'm much more coherent in that kind of situation.

I don't know why I forgot all of this last night when I waited up till midnight to sing "Happy Birthday" to my sweet husband.   Because when I was done singing sweet nothings in his ear, he grunted and continued to snore.  FAIL.

Our daughter Kendall has had some trouble....ummm....pooping.  She does "potty" like a boss.  But when a Number #2 is looming, her routine has become whining frantically as she holds it in for two days amidst multiple false alarm trips to the toilet. 

Such was the case yesterday as she threw herself around hysterically, complaining of tummyaches and refusal to "push one out".  This scenario makes everyone in our household frustrated and anxious to see her JUST GET IT DONE.

Off the cuff, Chris told Kendall that it would be a great birthday present for him if she would just do her POOPY in the potty.  Something about that statement must have been the incentive she needed, because ten minutes later, she was doing her business.


Me:  Hey Chris...you should come see Kendall's birthday present to you!!  hahahahaha :)

I'm still figuring out how to wrap that sucka.  :-P

All of that to say:  we may not be eloquent, but we want to wish a great husband, daddy, friend a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY in our own special way.  We love you!!


Carrie Ellcessor said...

Happy Easter Jamie!!

Jenny Misirli said...

Glad you're back.

Joy said...

So much of this reminds me of my life! The 2 a.m. Facetiming on matt's last deployment (2 a.m. for me of course), the toddler who thought her twosies were a vital organ if she saw them in the potty instead of being whisked away in a diaper... So fun! ;-) Happy Birthday to Chris!

Donna said...

Gift-wrapped in toilet paper and a much happier Kendall for Daddy's special day. Yay!

Heidi said...


Brandy Carlson said...

I love that poop was her big gift for her daddy (and to herself)! Love this story