Friday, April 26, 2013

Marriage is a Carnival. Or Something Like That.

We booked it months ago.

A Carnival cruise.  A celebration, five year of marital bliss.  Sunshine, beaches, food, fun....all systems "go" for amazingness.

And then, a cruise ship stalls on the water, a whirlwind of bad press for Carnival.
Then, another ship breaks down.  And another.
Conversations about our impending trip began to include the phrase "you didn't book on Carnival, did you?"  Yes.  Yes we did.  Before any of their mess erupted.

But that mess hasn't derailed our plans.  We're crossing fingers that Carnival will go over and above to assure confidence amongst their guests.  It's gonna be great.  Heck, our ship's name is Victory!

I think this planning experience has been a fitting representation of our first five years of marriage, actually.  Great expectations, nothing can go wrong.

And then, heartache.  Grief.  Confusion.  Dependency on each other, dependency on the Lord.  When we said our vows, we had no idea what kind of messiness would interrupt our lives.  We have faced more mess than the average newlyweds.

But it hasn't derailed us.  In fact, as trials tend to do, it has refined our relationship in ways I couldn't have imagined would have been possible...ways The Lord was working for "good" that I just couldn't see in the midst of such tragedy.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger- right, Kelly Clarkson?

So, Bon Voyage, friends.  We are cruising into our next five years with a great deal of  experience behind us...and the confidence that whatever may come our way, well, we already have "Victory" over it!

P.S. I forgot to bring my swimsuit.  Sigh....


Anonymous said...

Enjoy!!! Life loves to throw curve balls at us huh?!!! What a great excuse to buy a new swim suit!

Emma said...

Oops that was not supposed to be anonymous. I guess I got trigger happy clicking too many things ;)