Saturday, December 17, 2011

The New Man In Town

GUILTY....of letting my camera get a little too dusty while getting acclimated to the new little guy!  By this time in Kendall's life, I had several albums FULL and a newborn photo shoot in the books.  The second time around...I'm just not as trigger happy.  And, he's much more restless than his sister was- stretches of contentment are few and far between.  If this is a "boy" trait, I'm in for a rough ride.  He's adorable, nevertheless...has his sister's sparkly eyes and droopy cheeks :)
Sleeping angel
Sparkly eyes!

Bonding with Daddy


JABBY said...

oh my heck! he is too cute!!!
give yourself a break jamie-going from one to two is one of the hardest adjustments ever!

Sharon Soares said...

It is a hard transition to go from one to two. Two to three was a piece of cake. Once you're used to more than one, you can take on more. My second, Ashley, was the hardest. Not only was it difficult to have two instead of one, she also wanted to be held constantly and feed every hour. She was by far the most cranky, so I don't think it's a boy trait, just a second child trait. :)