Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Picture Perfect Playdate

My friend, Brandy, and I decided to get our little girls together for a playdate- they are a month apart in age and share a common love for all things Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  They played well- next to each other, mostly.  One of these days they'll figure out how to play WITH one another.  In the meantime, I'm just happy if there are no meltdowns.

Brandy was such a gracious hostess...we even got some surprise souvenirs thanks to Brandy's keen eye for photography!  Enjoy some snapshots, compliments of Elation Photography :)

Elation Photography

Elation Photography

Elation Photography (We loved how each girl matched her bike perfectly.)


Gma/GGma Pullen said...

Adorable! Learning to socialize is a big step in growing up (which happens too soon!). Enjoy the moments.

Donna said...

Elation Photography gets an A+, too, in addition to the adorable subject matter! Thanks for sharing the playdate fun.