Thursday, July 21, 2011

A "Stately aFair"

Were you able to decode the clever (cheesy) title of this post?
We took a family outing to the North Dakota State Fair in Fargo a couple of weeks ago.
Observations included:
1)  we aren't in California anymore (the Stockton Asparagus Festival could put this event to shame, let alone the CA State Fair!)
2)  it is impossible to pass up a bucket of Cheese Curds ("curds"...a word I'm still not comfortable attributing to my food, but I'll gladly eat them.)
3)  I will never let my children ride on carnival rides alone.  Multiple rides began before we were even buckled in- clearly, the carnies didn't give a rip.
4)  Goats bite.  Literally.

Here's the pictorial evidence.
Kendall sneaking a bite from the Bucket O'Curds.

Kendall was particularly smitten with the bunny rabbit exhibit.
Kendall was very hesitant to pet the little duckling.  I think she was terrified of this lady's HUGE boobs.  Can't blame her.

On to the petting zoo, where this goat nibbled her finger instead of the food.

She was pretty upset about the goat incident for a while.
Just in case you missed that face...

A ride on the ferris wheel pulls her out of her funk...

...and we saw lots of smiles on the "Bees".  Weeeeee!


Alissa said...

You guys ate that whole bucket!!?

Unknown said...

Not to burst your bubble or anything but that was NOT the ND State Fair..that was just the Red River Valley Fair. The state fair is in Minot but they have to cancel this year due to the flooding!

Angela said...

LOL about the cheese curds. The entire year we lived in Wisconsin, I could never bring myself to try them. Just a little too close to "turd" for my comfort :)

Anonymous said...

Am I reading the big-busted woman's shirt correctly? FLIRT?!?!? Oh wow, they really are interesting in West Fargo, aren't they???

Jamie Stavenger said...

Thanks for the correction, Carrie. And Andi- you read correctly. Just in case you didn't know...flirt is a verb. ;)

Amelia said...

Kendall is getting so big! And her faces are so priceless. :D

I would kill for some cheese anything.

Becky said...

They were selling "deep fried butter" at the CA State Fair. It almost made me lose all faith in humanity. Also, please thank Kendall for her PSA on goats - we made sure to keep all fingers clear of the pen per her experience.