Thursday, February 22, 2007

How to Appreciate a Jelly Belly

I've been to the Jelly Belly factory over half a dozen times in the last few years, each time bringing a new group of 2nd graders to experience the sugary magic. They loved it- the smell, the colors, the jelly belly shaped hamburgers. And grown-ups love it, too- looking at murals carefully crafted out of the tiny beans is fascinating. And woven throughout the tour are multiple homages to President Ronald Reagan, who championed Jelly Bellies as a "national candy" of sorts, using them as gifts for foreign dignitaries and always within reach of a bowl containing his favorite flavors.

That's one of the many things President Ronald Reagan has left as a legacy, featured at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. My parents joined me for the weekend in Southern California, and per their suggestion, we braved L.A. traffic to spend a day there.

In recent years, Air Force One (operational during Reagan's administration) has come to rest in a larger-than-life exhibit hall, alongside the presidential helicopter and motorcade. Visit the museum and you'll get to walk through the plane in all it's retro glory- pretty cool.

And the large portion of the Berlin Wall that stands on the lawn pays tribute to Reagan's stand against the Cold War (the original "Can't we all just get alooong?")

It's hard to believe that while I was in grade school, our world was facing that challenge. Most remember favorably Reagan's years in office and, while Presidential Library's can be suspect in presenting history accurately, I enjoyed this walk through MY past.

A quick stop at Checkpoint Charlie (and I felt a need to help this poor mannequin, who didn't look quite assertive enough)

Reagan's final resting place overlooks his beloved Simi Valley, and displays his own quote: "I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life."

(It's been a while since I threw down a shout-out: What is UP, Willis' in Stockton!! I know you're reading... he he)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, Jamie!

Your blog is the most interesting we have read . . . you have put your God-given gifts in spirituality, writing, leadership and music to use to the glory of God. And we are blessed to have this connection.

We check in with your blog regularly because we have to keep up with your Dad. :-) He is so proud of you.

Thanks for bringing us up-to-date with the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, lots of changes since our last visit.

We look forward to more of your fun and informative blogs. God bless you over and over.