First, my colleague in the neighboring office to my right caught strep throat. Then my colleague in the neighboring office to the left caught a nasty bug. I LAUGHED in the face of viruses....HA HA HA! This weekend I sang at Carlos and Michelle's wedding, and immediately following felt a little woozy. Still, made my way over to Cheri's birthday party for some fabulous pasta. Shortly after, it hit me.
So I spent Superbowl Sunday lying on the couch with a box of kleenex and a blanket. Thank goodness this is the one day a year where you CAN sit on the couch all day, and nobody calls you lazy....just "invested in the game." And I watched ALLLL of the game (minus the weak halftime show with Prince when I took an ice cream run). Despite feeling like hell, I actually enjoyed taking time to relax. Today...lots of decongestants as I'm back at work. Hopefully I'll clear out a little before I have to speak in several presentations tonight.
Um, did you say "h-e-l-l?!" I guess you meant "heck" or "really bad" or "purgatory."
tsk tsk
Wish I could send you a pot of homemade chicken soup. Feel better soon!
Yes, yes I did. If hell had a feeling, this would be it. Or, probably, much worse.
Ugh. I feel for you. I woke up not feeling so well, but thought I was good enough to make it through the workday. Right around noon I went down for the count. Lots of vitamin C, water, and airborne. I'm hoping I can be back on my feet sometime tomorrow. I did laugh a little when you said "Allll of the game". That sounded like you would of much rather been doing something else with your time ;)
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