Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mother, May I?

Maybe it's just at our house, but our little three-year-old has had a little problem with whining.
Mommmmmy, I WANT some juicy!
Mommmmmy, I WANT to get down!
Mommmmmy, I WANT more milllllllk!

And, every time, Mommy responds with...PLEASE ASK POLITELY.
Well, the three-year-old isn't catching on, and Mommy is tired of saying it.
So, we're trying a new tactic.

We have two signs now on our refrigerator door: 
One with a smiley face, and one with a sad face.
Now, all Mommy has to do is point to the sad face when the three-year-old forgets her manners.
This reminder should prompt her to use her "polite words", and Mommy's finger will in turn move to the happy face. 

Mommy knows, from years in front of a classroom, that if a behavior isn't changing, you change the approach.  Mommy and Daddy modeled this new strategy, and the three-year-old was VERY interested.  It's a stepping stone to self-initiation. 

The three-year-old may think this is a game, but little does she know how persistent Mommy can be when it comes to manners.  She WILL ask for things politely...hopefully this little experiment speeds up our success!


Franse Mathews said...

We have this issue with ELLIE!!! ERR! I send her to her room when I don't understand her whine language :((

Renee Critz said...

I'm gonna have to try that, I'm over the whining "wants"!

Liz Ellison said...

I just tuned my kids out when they whine. Not quite sure thats the best approach but it works. I find them getting things done by themselves or using teamwork. I'm going to train them to pour me a glass of wine next.

Franse Mathews said...

lol Liz.... !!! We'll I tell them where the cheese with my wine and get a funny look?! Normally, it's a time out... but I totally feel for Jamers! I don't believe in terrible twos... more like tiring threes!!!!

Nathan Voyer said...

...and the teacher comes out in parenting. Fantastic Jamie

John Garcia said...

Green is usually good, and red bad... Confusing the kid Jamie! JK! Great visual aid!

Greta said...

I just love you, Stavenger Family!