Saturday, March 30, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack!

Thank you!

I've received messages in various ways from over a dozen of you, expressing....well, concern for me and lamenting the lack of posting on the 'ol blog.  I've thought about you.  I really have.

Me:  I should blog today.
Bed:  You are getting sleeeeeepy...very sleeeeepy.
Me:  (Yawn.)  Maybe later.

Me:  Whew- a few extra minutes while the kids nap.  (Opens blogger...)

Me: (sneaks up to computer for a few minutes)
Husband:  HUNNY!  I'm home!  What's the plan for dinner??

Me:  Here, with these toys while mommy does the computer.
Kendall:  But MOMMMMY!  I want to play MY GAMES on the 'PUTERRRR!

Me:  Let's try this again...
Me:  Hello?  Oh HI!  Yes, I have time to talk...

Me:  Finnnnaaaally, kids are in bed.  Where was I?  Oh yeah...Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Truly, I've had a half-finished blog post for two it needs an overhaul because it's outdated.  I'll get on that.  But at this time, I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive, I'm okay, and I'm slowly regaining some motivation for getting back to business here.

Friends, family, followers...thanks for sticking with me.


Amelia said...

Good to hear, Jamie! Happens to the best of us; I don't know HOW many times I've thought, "Blog?..or pizza and Criminal Minds? ..or sleep? ..or (anything else)"
Blogging rarely wins. If it wasn't for my parents printing out my blogs to send to my grandpa, I'd probably have given up a long time ago with keeping this up, or at least become very inconsistent about it. :)

Prekelicious said...

I opened this fully expecting to see "See Ya on the Other Side". I was shocked, amazed and excited! :) Thanks for your return. Woot!