Thursday, February 23, 2012

When Did...

When did naptime go from the most hated to the most loved part of my day?

When did my BABY girl turn into a little girl?

When did cleaning became therapeutic?

When did half my wardrobe become fleece?

When did my feet become so dry, my socks stick to them like velcro?

When did my parents' friends become MY friends?

When did a shower become a luxury?

When did I stop caring if my hair is perfectly straight?

When did I become so dependent on my cell phone?

When did grocery shopping become my personal retreat and not a mundane task?

When did I start preferring a night at home over a night on the town?

When did I start referring to 30 degrees as "warm"?

Just wonderin'....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're singing the same song. Everyone keeps telling me I'm going to miss it. Hang in there, Jamie!