Monday, April 26, 2010

Two Years Down...

...and a lifetime to go.
Two years ago I married my best friend.
I loved him so much that I moved to Duluth, Minnesota.
That's love, people.

Our wedding day seems like so long ago.
Much has happened since then.
I remember being surrounded by the most important people in my life.
I remember laughter and my husband in his hot tux. Yowsaaaa!
I remember my whole family smiling with pride.
It was a beautiful day.
And now we have a beautiful daughter.

Life is sweet.


Angela said...

Congratulations, Jamie! Wishing you many more years of blessings.

Heidi said... were the most breathtaking bride. The Stavenger Hunt and Karen's bouquet take down are memories of that day that STILL make me smile. Love. check. Marriage. check. Baby in baby carriage. Check ;)

Grandma Mc said...

Happy anniversary Jamie and Chris. I send my love.

Jamie Stavenger said...

I'm still waiting for another opportunity to wear my fake eyelashes :)