Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Must. Have. Salad. Now.

I was really curious to see what kind of cravings would creep up on me as pregnancy settles in...and really couldn't be happier that the only items I CRAVE are salad and fruit! Last night I bypassed Chris' pizza dinner for a nectarine and applesauce, and took a double helping of cole-slaw at our church barbeque on Sunday (ahhhhhh cole-slaw!). At the grocery store, I think I spent more time in the produce department than all my previous trips combined. On the menu for this week's meals: salads of every kind. Caesar salad. Chicken Salad. Fruit Salad. And a couple fruit smoothies.

Searching through google images of salad, by the way, was not a good choice this early in the morning. It's a long time till lunch.... ugh.


Trish said...

You are so funny! My cravings were: Taco Salads (LOTS OF THEM!!), Fruit (juiced, sorbets, anything fruity) & Jalapenos...Have fun with it! It's funny to see how obsessed you can get with finding your 'favorite' 'taco salad' in town :)

Grampa to Be said...

Your pregnancy has caused me to crave steak. Keep it up.